Just a bit of background: Because of my high reputation, I was offered a chance by Anna Lear to be a Moderator on the site. I respectfully declined because of "day job" pressures. But lately, I've been spending more time on the site, particularly in regards to questions about Persia and Iran, because this is relevant to my "day job."
There is one relatively new user, who I feel is POTENTIALLY valuable to the site, because of her Persian/Iranian background, the unique perspective it affords her, and some questions from her that seem to be good at their core. I took the liberty of editing one question about the "confusion" between the Persian and Arabian Gulf. (Unfortunately, she edited my editing, including restoring a reference to a "big lie" that I had taken out.) And another question about human rights documents appears to have merit down to "what other documents from ancient times concern human rights or civil rights?" https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/7875/are-there-other-ancient-human-rights-surely-in-its-ancient-consept-documents-l That's before it veered into a "rant."
The problem appears to be that this individual appears to be 1) long-winded and 2) argumentative. At some level, she now appears to realize this, yt asking "how many times can I vote without being suspended?" A moderator seemed to answer that suspension was a very real possbility. If she were, the site would lose someone with a potentially valuable background, IMHO.
Is there anything we can do to "rehabilitate" this individual, short of suspension? For instance, her level of downvoting is a matter of concern, but it wouldn't be an issue if her reputation were as low as 124 (it's "dangerously" close to that level now). Can this person be "coached" or even restrained with regard to her comments?
What can we do about a potentially valuable contributor who has, however, caused some disruption to the site? That is, can we "rectify" her without suspending her?