Questions tagged [bounty]

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3 votes
1 answer

Why can't I award a bounty of less than 200 on this question?

I put a bounty of 100 on the question Has any national leader ever climbed as far as fast as Ulysses S Grant?. I wanted to split it between two answers but it's not possible (I guess I should have ...
1 vote
1 answer

Whatever happened to the 50-point bounties?

Are they no longer allowed? Is this a local policy or a stackwide one?
2 votes
1 answer

What should I do with a bounty when the answerer has left the site?

A few days ago I asked a question. It didn't get any answers, so I started a bounty on it. A user of this site answered it, but now it looks like they're not on this site anymore (icon is just a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot start a bounty --a temporary problem?

I am not able to start bounty on a question. When I click "start bounty" I get greeted by a pop-up that asks me how much reputation I will like to award. Then it asks for a reason. After that it asks ...
3 votes
1 answer

Missing a reason for bounty

I just created a bounty and I would required to select one of the following reasons: Authoritative reference needed Canonical answer required Current answer are outdated Draw attention Improve ...