What is the site policy for dealing with questions on very heavily-trolled topics, like Hitler and The Holocaust?
We've long had problems with these particular topics, as they seem to be magnets for new users who either want to push offensive ideas (hereafter called "pushers"), or troll others by appearing to do so (hereafter also assumed to be pushers for simplicity's sake).
Normal rules about offensive content and topicality can of course take care of the worst offenders. However, such rules require the poster to step over a line, which they may not do until considerable user effort has been expended on the question.
This is part of the cost of maintaining a SE site in general. However, there are some topics that specifically attract pushers, to the extent that the odds of a new question from a new user on those topics being a legit question appears to be quite low.
Thus is has been demi-official site policy for years that new questions having to do with Nazis, Hitler, Jews, and the Holocaust have a much higher quality bar they need to reach to stay open than other questions do.
So the question is, what is the official site policy on this? Is what we are doing now sufficient, or should something different be done?