Coincidence! I just thought about making a meta thread here "Are we close to getting closed" too, as I saw shutting down.
I want to ask the stackexchange mods (e.g. @shog9), if they can give us a hint, if this site shows a good or bad traffic trend? All the stats are nice, unfortunately most don't look to often on them or keep track of how they change.
As far as I read some of the currently closed sites showed a traffic decline, less questions doesn't seem to be main problem, considering there are non-beta sites with around 3-5 questions per day.
What this site distinguishes from the closed ones is the amount of user with middle and high reputation putting effort into the site, very good answer ratio, healthy voting and meta discussion.
I'm a member of, similar questions per day ratio for long time, but our traffic afaik grows slowly & constantly as the user number.
I think the only real problem (legitimating a close) our site currently shows is lack of advertising and many history-geeks being more interested in their local history and debating/googling it in their national language. At least in Germany we have a lot of hobby archeologists etc, smaller history forums. Funnily, covering worldwide history often poorly and not showing interesting questions from people from the other side of the globe makes me often watch It's the most international history forum I know. If this site gets closed I will probably shut down my participation in many of the smaller stackexchange niche beta sites with similar stats.
So I would really like to see a comment/answer by the SE mods where we stand, simply shutting down sites without a warning, while other with very similar stats are kept open leaves me a bit perplexed.
Also showing a bit more questions on the front page would be fair. I don't know what the criterions are for putting a question on the site. But I never see a question, but often very boring (to me) questions on simple english or mathematics problems with dozens of answers, more traffic (as these sites started earlier). I'm not sure the system is very fair here in sense of advertising new and smaller beta sites...