I wasn't one of the downvoters or one of the closers. As such I'll let the community decide if they want it reopened. I see no votes in that direction as of yet.
I will say that IMHO the question is still low quality. It isn't the subject matter, so much as it is the fact that its very painful to read. Even the title has really bad grammar (the first phrase has no verb, and the second depends on implicit information from that same first. Parsing that thing takes twice as long as it should). It goes on in that same demi-grammatical vein for several screens. The quote you posted is overly large, and contains unprintable characters, which again make it a pain to read. The link you added was just a raw link (going on for 6 lines on my screen!) rather than a nice bit of text hyperlinked. The posting tools make the latter easy to accomplish, so its tough to understand why you didn't do that simple thing for your readers. If it was a short two-paragraph question, I'd be tempted to edit it myself, but its sheer length makes the task daunting.
I don't normally like to be critical at length on other's writing. My own spelling is notoriously bad (an editor here once compared it to a war crime), so I know I'm throwing stones in a glass house here. But you did ask, and that's what I'm seeing.
Now as I said, I wasn't a downvoter. For all I know they had other reasons. But my suggestion would be to clean up the grammar and the other things I mentioned, make the whole thing easier on the eyes, and perhaps some folks will be able to look at it long enough to see the merit in it.