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Questions tagged [closed-questions]

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0 votes
1 answer

What could've been a 'correct question' for the following answer about how the UK, US, Japan & Australia are allies?

Re this When and how did X and Y become allies? Essentially, I wanted to ask the relationship US, UK, Australia & Japan, Bobby Fischer's 'allies of evil' to counter George Bush Jr's 'axis of evil' ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can we resurrect a deleted post so I can clear a notification in my inbox?

I have this notification in my inbox that I cannot get rid of: When I click on that page, it brings me to the closed and hidden question I had from March asking about the cost of the War on Drugs. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why use 'piled-up earth supporting a banner for indicating official rank'?

First, apologia for offending anyone. I honestly thought Why use 'piled-up earth supporting a banner for indicating official rank'? was on topic for history! Second, how can we salvage this ...
-1 votes
1 answer

When and how did X and Y become allies?

This can be asked: When and how did the USA and the UK become allies? This can't be asked: 'Allies of evil' - US, England, Japan - and Australia? What about the rest of the UK? Why, and what ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is this proposed 'duplicate' question marked both wrongly and in a worse direction?

On Where can I find all Hitler speeches in original German? it was proposed that this would be a duplicate of Where can I find a reliable archive of Hitler's speeches? To this duplicate proposal ...
5 votes
2 answers

Find long-ago-deleted questions that I'm still working on?

I have some closed-and-then-auto-deleted questions that I've been working on improving. They have been deleted for long enough that I no longer see them on my user page. Is there a way for me to find ...
1 vote
1 answer

FAQ: My question has been 'closed', what does it mean?

Why are some questions closed? Is it like deletion?
2 votes
1 answer

How is my question about slave clothing opinion-based?

My question was closed because it was seen as opinion-based. I am struggling to see how my question as it currently stands is opinion-based. There are many questions about slavery on this website and ...
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a notability criterion or not?

Did Lisa Chester miss her father's funeral? I hate to have to ask, as the question is not worth much to me, but it's so unpleasant to see a question closed for an ambiguous reason. Commenters ...
5 votes
1 answer

"Why Japan cannot 'apologize' enough for World War 2?" being put on hold for "off-topic" (too basic) and swiftly deleted?

Edit: Now the question is deleted! From what I can tell it now has a +7/-6 vote. I believe that those who vote to delete the question owe us an explanation. Here's my question, "Why Japan cannot “...
1 vote
0 answers

Why was this question allowed to close despite being revised?

Back in April of this year I noticed a rather good question, albeit worded quite vaguely. It was set to "on hold" on the 3rd of April by a number of individuals due to being "unclear" and so I offered ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why closed as 'basic or trivia': Did most universities require Ancient Greek and Latin? From when to when?

Why was closed? My question is not answered in Wikipedia. I cite the reason claimed by 4 of the 5 closers: "Requests for trivia or basic historical ...
8 votes
5 answers

"Germany caused WWI?" questions

We now have at least the third "Did Germany cause WWI"? question that I know of. Why was Germany held accountable for WW1? Was Germany responsible for WW1? Is Germany to blame for WW1? Its pretty ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why are my questions downvoted and closed?

I admit that I'm unversed in history; so I first read A plea to down voters. and very hard to meet the sites' standards before delivering this question. I'm genuinely interested in my questions; ...
1 vote
1 answer

"We don't know the answer" is an appropriate reason to close a question? [duplicate]

Recently I have asked the question on how many Atilla the Hun has killed. I showed research and question is plain and simple. Atilla the Hun is considered to be in Top most vicious people, however I ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to make better this question?

In order to learn how the things work here I'd like to know what is the problem with this question: Did the cold war affect the development of the internet? The close reason said: Unclear what ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is wrong with this question? I think it was wrongly closed. It's very very clear what the author is asking. Presumably, he is ...
8 votes
5 answers

What was wrong in the question about Jesus' family?

This question was closed because "it is primarily opinion-based". At the moment it is much edited so it has lost its original content. I don't understand why this is "opinion based". It refers to the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is Meta the right place for me to ask for a user to be blocked?

If one finds a user that has something strange or offensive in their profile, is it appropriate to ask on Meta for the user to be blocked from the site? Additionally, what if the owner of such a ...
1 vote
3 answers

Waiting period for closing questions:

My impression is that some of the 'denizens' of History SE can quickly organize (not necessarily consciously) a quorum to close a question almost immediately because it might not confirm to their ...
1 vote
1 answer

I can no longer edit my question: Is there solid evidence regarding LBJ's possible involvement in JFK's murder?

Why do I have no longer have the ability to edit my question? Blocking the comments should not block my ability to edit the post, since I have been subjected to ridicule, particularly since I have ...
6 votes
1 answer

Google it first: What does it mean?

Someone has suggested that one should engage in due diligence before asking a question: "Google it first." Perhaps this is even in the site guidelines. Someone recently commented on one of my ...
1 vote
1 answer

put on hold as primarily opinion-based

Is there a correlation between the colonial power and the stability/success of the post colonial state? Was put on hold "primarily opinion-based": Absolutely incorrect. This can certainly be ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Reopen request: "Why is our planet called Earth?"

I don't see why Why is our planet called Earth? is being considered off topic for this site. That it is about the history of a word doesn't make it off topic. Simply because there might be a better SE ...
5 votes
2 answers

Reopening a closed question since it received a valid answer

Should this question be re-opened on the grounds that it is asking about an area of history, and it was given a successful answer? The situation is a question that was a bit off-topic (too technical, ...
3 votes
4 answers

What is the site policy for discussing the historicity of certain ancient texts?

Specifically, I would like to know why one question was closed and another is open. Can the new testament be a valid historical record on the real life of Jesus?
3 votes
2 answers

Downvoting and/or voting to close

Consider this question. I was the first one to vote for closure, since it was (and still is) too broad and argumentative. However, I did not see fit to downvote it, because it's not a stupid or badly-...
2 votes
1 answer

Reopen: Instances of the UN defusing serious crises

I would like to request that the question "Instances of the UN defusing serious crises" be reopened. If not, I would like to understand how exactly this question is non-constructive or falls under "...