Someone (singular or plural) seem to be down voting a lot of my answers. I do not really care that much about a meaningless reputation number. However, I do care about the overall quality of this site. So, here comes my plea:
When you down vote, would you please leave a feedback as to either how to improve the question or why you think the answer is erroneous or irrelevant?
I would be happy to edit my answers to make them more relevant but I cannot do this if all I have is a +7/-1 with no explanations whatsoever. It is possible that this is a vendetta from someone but I am not a mod and cannot check who down votes me. I really hope no one is that pathetic on this site... So, down voters:
Make your reasons be known so the site content gets better.
Pretty please, with sugar and a cherry on top.
After taking my own advise and leaving feedback, I got so much abuse that now I just down vote and leave it at that. Clearly, I was not as jaded then as I am now.